Wishing I was in Maui, but dealing with being here

Archive for March, 2010


to the economy of WA state! Today was sunny, clear and no wind. We went on a drive to Port Townsend which is about 2 hours away. Our only agenda was lunch and a couple of yarn shops. One of the shops was closed so I spent at the other shop Yarn Diva and Trim and at Tickled Pink, a gift shop.

I purchased yarn and a pattern to make mittens and some roving for my April birthday swap spoilee. At Tickled Pink I bought bracelets for the girls for Easter, a Vera Bradley wallet and surprises for the girls when we go see Wicked (Carrie if you’re reading this the surprise is not a big thing so don’t feel you have to do something too!) EVERYTHING WAS 50% OFF!!

We had lunch at Sirens, a place that Mike recommended. Such a beautiful day to sit out on the deck, over the water and enjoy a beer and a nice lunch

Entrance to 3 flights of stairs!

Whew! Made it to the entrance!

AAAHHH! Lunch and a beer.

The drive was really easy, just a long way. Went across the Narrows Bridge and The Hood Canal Bridge. The Narrows has a distinct history as it fell down in very high winds a long time ago. Heres the video: [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0Fi1VcbpAI&hl=en_US&fs=1&%5D

Here’s our photo:

Approching The Narrows Bridge going East. There are two spans, West and East bound. The West bound has lane change restrictions (you can't change lanes once on the bridge)

We also went across the Hood Canal pontoon/drawbridge.

Approaching the bridge

On the bridge

We’re on (I’m) on a

yarn shop hop (even though their LYS Shop Hop isn’t til June)! Yesterday we were in Lakewood at Yorkshire Yarn where I bought  Cascade Eco Alpaca to make Stina a cowl. Today we went to Lamb”s Ear in Tacoma

and Unraveled Yarn in Federal Way. The other shop in Tacoma, Fiber’s Etc is closed on Tuesdays. Today I bought Artful Yarns Broadway in multi shades of purple with metallic tread running through it at Unraveled  and I bought Mushishi made in Italy at Lamb’s Ear. David isn’t much of a traveler so it’s hard to get him out sight seeing so he’s forced to go with me to yarn shops.

The weather today is much better (no rain this afternoon) and is supposed to be about the same tomorrow so my plan is to go to Gig Harbor and  Port Townsend.PT is about two hours from here on the Kitsap Penninsula.

Knitting continues to be a challenge with the cat around but we are tolerating each other.

Mushishi made in Italy (Lamb's Ear, Tacoma WA)

Artful Yarns, Broadway (Unraveled Yarn, Federal Way)


check the website of the business you want to visit when getting their address out of a magazine. We spent about 1 1/2 hours looking for Yorkshire Yarns on Lakewood. If we had ad the right addres it might have taken 30 minutes door to door.

yorkshire yarns - supplier yarn products

Over night it rained, LOTS. Woke us up about 5AM with winds and rain. Rained all morning. If you wait for rain to stop you’d never get out of the house. Actually, it did stop about 1Pm so we took off for Lakewood to find the yarn shop. Very nice shop. Bought some Alpaca to make a cowl for my niece Christina. Might be able to get a pair of fingerless gloves out of it too. Had to reward David’s patience with a beer at Ram’s Brewery and Pub. We had Buttface Ae (don’t ask).

Making chicken burritos for dinner and having a quiet evening in. Not sure what tomorrow holds for us.

We’re not in…..


CA any more Toto!! Today was a really mixed bag day of weather. In the Northwest, if you don’t like the weather wait 5 minutes it will change. Friday was nice and Saturday was really nice. Today started out nice but deteriorated in the early afternoon. A great day for drinking a bloody mary, knitting and watching a Hallmark movie.

Friday we went to Seattle to pick up Stina and Anne. They live on lower Queen Anne Hill in a really old brick apartment building (lots of  charm, no amenities). They have a great view of the Space Needle and Puget Sound. We drove passed both of “their” Starbucks where they work and then back home. We hung around home and had a nice dinner with the family.

Anne and Cassie

Charlie using David's foot as a pillow

Saturday started early. We had to get the Russo’s to the airport by 7:30 so we were up at 6Am and on the road by 6:45. Mission accomplished. Went home, and called Mike and Suzanne in Seattle and arranged to meet them around Noon. TRAFFIC is the name of the game on I5 in downtown Seattle. Took at least 30 minutes to get through town on the freeway. Watch out for the “Exit this Lane Only” in what looks like a middle lane. Finally made it. Suzanne was out for a walk so David visited with Mike while I walked to the Fiber Gallery Yarn Shop on Greenwood Ave. I thought it was around 76th and Greenwood (they live on 84th) but I was WRONG! It’s closer to 70th and is partially uphill. It was a lovely day and a nice walk. I’d been in the shop about 30 minutes when David and Mike showed up. They were concerned when the discovered how far the shop was from the house. They left knowing I had made it. I think it was just an excuse to get out and stop at 76th Street Pub, for a beer! As I was walking back to the house I heard them calling. Enjoyed a Guinness and a nice stroll home. Met up with Suzanne and Anna and visited for a while. Suzanne is an accomplished craftswomen. She showed me some of her knitting, spinning and her hand spun AND hand dyed yarn. We then went for a light lunch and finished our visit. The ride home wasn’t as bad traffic wise but I was so tired. Made it home totally wiped out. No dinner and early to bed.

(L-R) Anna, Mike, Suzanne

This morning I went to Marine View Presbyterian Church for Palm Sunday service. It was lovely. Instead of regular service they did a musical and spoken word program called The Risen Christ. A full choir, musicians, electric keyboard and readers acting as Peter, John and Mary Magdalene made for a very moving service.

Choir Marine View Presbyterian chruch

This afternoon we ran a few errands and returned home just ahead of the rain. Like I said, wait 5 minutes and the weather will change. It rained HARDER! David got Charlie out for a short walk between passing rain.

HDTV is our entertainment tonight as we watch the Discovery channel Life.


after a very early wake up call (4:00AM) and pick up (5:15AM, thank you Carrie) in Seattle. Flew Horizon Air  SJC-PDX and PDX to SEATAC arriving at 10:15AM. Dan picked us up and we took him back to the office and made out way to Tacoma. Charlie (dog) and Cassie (Siamese) met us. If we were burglar’s we could have robbed the house and Charlie would still be wagging his tail!

After getting the lay of the house we went for a ride to find the church I want to attend for Easter week in Browns Point. After finding Marine View  Presbyterian Church (it has a view of Puget Sound) we drove down to Dash Point State Park and walked on the beach. Then we went back and found our way to the Browns Point Lighthouse and walked along the beach there. It started raining (go figure) so back home we went (sissy’s). Found very ripe banana’s and now have banana bread baking. Hope to have more lively reports to follow!

David at Brown's Point Lighthouse

The Lighthouse at Browns Point

David at Dash Point State Beach

Joyces’ Wall Hangings…

My very talented sister-in-law, Joyce, who lives in Marble, Colorado wove this rug. No way was I putting it on the floor. I bought quilt hangers at a shop in Morgan Hill to display this piece of art. I believe she used batik fabric’s to weave the piece. (She’ll correct me  if I’m wrong). We also have another rug made out of wool that I have to decide where to hang in the house. She generously gave us the rugs when she and Ron were here in December. Thanks Joyce!

I ‘m sure you’re…

tired of reading about my socks. Too bad, it’s my blog! Here are the finished striped socks. The stripes line up except  for the toe.

Striped Socks!

And another thing…

I applied for Social Security!! You can do it online! I should get my first check in June. I’ll still continue to work at SLT part time. Yahoo!!

It’s Official….

I’m a sock junkie!! I’m on my 4th pair of socks and have yarn to make 5 more pairs!! Yesterday I went to Bobbin’s Nest and purchased Three Irish Girls sock yarn. I didn’t buy the most expensive with cashmere but McClellan at 23.00/skein. Carrie gave me a 40% off coupon so a deal was had!

Since I’m coming down with “something” this will be a stay in day (or sit on the deck day as the weather is warm and beautiful) and knit. I’m finishing the striped sock and making a Booga Bag for Carrie to give to one of her friends.

Three Irish Girls Sock Yarn

Madelinetosh, Tosh Sock, Trellis

A Swell Yarn Shop, Duet Sock Yarn

Time to

Dining room table; desserts and memories

As always, lots of food!

"Geno" and Vilma Sinclaire


reminisce about our travels. Thursday night I was at Vilma and Gene Sinclaire’s home in Los Altos talking with others who have been on Vilma’s trips to France and Italy. Vilma was promoting her Provence 2010 2 trip this October to Provence. It was great to see Linda and Jimmy as well. Gene and I talked about the first trip in 1997 to Tuscany and all the crazy things we did. Here are some pictures of the evening. Of course the FOOD was over the top as usual. Great tapenade (black and green) made by Linda.