Wishing I was in Maui, but dealing with being here

Archive for December, 2009

Socks at last!!

Swirl sock pattern

Tube socks, but socks none the less!

Kinda bulky, but warm tube socks Dec 2009

What matters is

family. David’s brother Ron and his wife Joyce arrived Saturday night from Colorado. They left Christmas morning, spent the night in Eastern Nevada and made it here about 7pm. We spent the whole afternoon and evening with them around here. They leave in the morning for a trip down the coast to LA and then to Pasadena where they have tickets for the Rose Parade. They head back to CO after the parade. So much fun catching up with them.

I’m kinda bummed because I have to work NYD. I just can’t complain because Milva gives me just about any schedule I ask her for.

I finished my tube socks, YEAH! They are a little big but very comfortable and warm. Will add a picture later. Next pair will have a heel and gusset and fit better.


Christmas!! Had a lovely evening on Christmas Eve with David at Sushi Maru for dinner and then at IPC for Christmas Eve worship service. I was so happy to have Walt and Linda Cole join us. The service was wonderful.

Slept in this morning, yeah!! read the paper, made appetizer to take to Brian and Cindy’s baked biscotti (damn oven giving me fits) and talked to Lin and my brothers family. Going to Kathleen’s brother’s home in just a bit for dinner. What a lovely day.

Looking forward to Ron and Joyce stopping by on their way from Colorado to Pasadena. Won’t be  able to look for them at the Rose parade as I have to work NYD.

Merry Christmas everyone

Biscotti Update..

They are really good. See my blogroll for the link to Proud Italian Cook. You can get the recipe with my comments on my Recipes I Like page or click on the link and search her blog for Polenta Biscotti

Sick, sick sick…

we are! David has a bad cough/cold and I am fighting the cold. Coricidin is my friend. Unfortunatly because David smokes his cough is worse.

Worked all week and am feeling it. 30 hours standing on that concrete floor is a killer. Had my last Session meeting on Tuesday.  Visited Kathleen for about an hour before going to the meeting. She always has good snacks (baked brie, salami and french bread)  Knit Klub was  on Wednesday. Will meet Carrie and Pat on the 23rd for Knit Klub and then adjourn until January 6th. Pat leaves for Texas on the 27th and will be gone for a month.

Today I’m making a new biscotti recipe. This one has cornmeal in it. Supposed to turn out good for dipping. Will let you know how they turn out. If they don’t turn out, then I have to bake the Russo Family recipe when I get hme from Jerry Dias’ 60th b’day party later this afternoon. Cross your fingers they work!

David’s brother Ron and his wife Joyce emailed that they are coming to California around the 27th and want to stop here for a night or so on their way to Pasadena for the Rose Parade. Busy this morning playing 52 pick up. Haven’t seen them in years. They are always taking trips in the winter to escape the snow of Colorado.

Working monday-Thursday next week, off at 4pm all days. Knit Klub on Wednesday and dinner for David’s birthday on Thursday. Christmas Eve service Thursday at 7pm after sushi with David and Carrie. Christmas day we’ll go to Cindy and Brian’s for dinner but not til late afternoon.

Merry Christmas Everyone and thanks for reading my blog!!

PS: First batch of new Biscotti recipe out of the oven and I think they’re a winner. Very similar recipe to Russo Family recipe except you melt the butter before creaming it with sugar and eggs and you add 3/4 cup of polenta to the flour. Deosn’t make as many as RFB because you roll them out differently.

Next time

I’ll be sure I have all the directions and the phone number of where I’m trying to go!! Last night was the party at the Muindi’s and I thought I knew how to get there. After driving up and down Union Ave I decided we’d go home and look up the directions and get the phone number. When I looked at the map I realized I forgot one turn that would have taken us right to their house. Finally arrived about an hour and a half late. So glad David decided to go back with me. Great time was had by all! Good food, fun white elephant exchange and karaoke. Mary C and I did Under The Boardwalk, the only song we knew!! Most of it was rap and we had no idea!!

This morning was church and this afternoon will be “52 pickup” around here. Then going to market to get a few things to make chicken soup for dinner. It’s another wet day and soup sounds good.

Rain, Rain,

go away, come back another day. Well, after all the cold weather we now have the not so cold but rainy weather. We’re never happy !!

This wee was pretty easy after the hectic last week. I did get called in to work an extra 4 hours today but because of the rain it wasn’t very busy.

Going to Tim and Serena’s holiday party tonight. Looking forward to seeing some folks I haven’t seen in awhile.

Another easy week ahead with only Session on Tuesday and Knit Klub Wednesday, Looking forward to taking Carrie out for dinner for her b’day and seeing Pat who is back from Thailand.


it’s cold. “Brr, it’s 30 degrees outside,  wish I lived in California. Wait, I do”.  Yep, another hard freeze expected tonight. Snow on the mountains around the valley. And it’s not officially winter yet!

I Can……

make it  through this week. I only have to do a demo on Saturday and then I’m done with demo’s, FOREVER, I hope.  This has been a busy week. Worked Mon-Thur, dinner out for Bev’s retirement on Tuesday in Morgan Hill, Knit Klub in Morgan Hill Wednesday night and made soup when I got home  for Thrusday Seekers and Joiner dinner. Thursday I hosted the dinner at Jan’s for 8 people. Today I shopped and prepped for demo tomorrow in Plesant Hill. Sunday is church and I plan to bake cookies in the afternoon for the cookie exchange at Knit Klub on Wednesday. I’m working M-F next week. Whew, I’m tired already.